English translation for "a pile of bricks"
- 一堆砖
Related Translations:
piling: n.1.打桩,打桩工程。2.桩,桩基;桩材。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | You ' re a thug , not a pile of bricks 你是个流氓,又不是一堆砖头 | | 2. | Bundled in padded boots , a knit cap and layers of sweaters , li xiulan says that for all of her 73 winters in china ' s frigid northeast , her best weapon against the biting cold has been a pile of bricks 脚蹬棉鞋、头戴绒线帽、身穿几件毛衣的李秀兰说,在中国东北整整73个寒冬里,她抵御严寒的最好武器是一炕土坯/砖头。 | | 3. | A community is built with residents just as a house is built with bricks , but a group of residents cannot be called a community any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house 翻译:一个社区是由居民组成就像房子是由砖头建成,但一群居民不能称为社区就像一大堆砖头不能称为房子,放在背景段,然后说居民要有什么什么样的品质才能一起和睦相处怎么怎么的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "a pigeon pair" English translation, "a pigeonfancierr" English translation, "a pile of" English translation, "a pile of books" English translation, "a pile of bowls" English translation, "a pile of dog dirt on the road" English translation, "a pile of dough" English translation, "a pile of faggots" English translation, "a pile of hay" English translation, "a pile of mending" English translation